Always center on My Eucharist

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Always center on My Eucharist Jesus has said, “Always center on My Eucharist.” Our Holy Father, John Paul II, has written in his Apostolic Letter “Dominicae Cenae”, “the Eucharist is above all else a sacrifice.” Jesus told Nancy, while she was praying before the tabernacle that had a cross suspended above and the body of…
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Ways to Console, Repair and Mend a Heart

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Ways to Console, Repair and Mend a Heart The following Conyers message from Jesus and Mary touched our hearts as we searched for a deeper understanding of how we can make reparation. On December 10, 1990 Jesus spoke of the reparation of hearts, His Heart and our hearts. Jesus said, “I am the greatest gift…
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If only My children would be children

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Jesus has said over and over, “If only My children would be children.” A child is little and dependent on the parents. We need to be little and dependent on Jesus. To be dependent, we have to listen and follow the words and ways of the parent not the ways of other children. Jesus has…
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Understand what My Mother is asking of you

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Understand what My Mother is asking of you Realizing our limited understanding of reparation and the world’s understanding through the Webster dictionary, we thought it best to use Jesus’s own words to explain reparation. We will draw briefly from the chapter titled “Reparation” in the excellent book, Words of Love [see Bibliography]. In Words of…
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What is being asked of us to achieve Peace?

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
What is being asked of us to achieve Peace? The Fatima and Conyers messages both request reparation as the way to peace and warn of consequences if the requests are not heeded. The Fatima messages of 1917 warned of World War II, the rise of Russia and the spread of Russia’s errors and communism, if…
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Jesus Messages regarding Halloween

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Jesus Messages regarding Halloween Nancy said “I got to know what causes Him (Jesus) pain. It was a very intimate time. One teaching that stands out clearly was on how ‘Man has destroyed My (Jesus) feast days.’ Up to that time I had always participated in Halloween just like every one else. Jesus told me,…
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Honor the Mother of God, Honor Our Mother

Commentary, Messages, Teachings
Honor the Mother of God, Honor Our Mother On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a week before the December 13, 1993 monthly apparition, Jesus said, “When you honor My Mother, you honor Me. Remember those words.” In the monthly apparition, the Blessed Mother said, “It is the will of the Father that I be…
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