Jesus and Our Loving Mother’s Message(s) that fall on Today’s Date

(These messages have been given by Jesus and Our Loving Mother to Nancy Fowler)
(Anniversary messages on the 13ths are shown if there are no past messages for today) – Conyers Our Loving Mother – Official Website for Nancy Fowler)

# 733
My Children Seek Signs and Wonders. They Do Not Seek Me in the Depths of Their Hearts
During the noonday Rosary, Jesus said, "My children seek signs and wonders. They do not seek Me in the depths of their hearts. "Believe the Scriptures. When you gather together in My Name, I am here." Nancy saw bright mystical light on the crucifix from which Jesus was speaking. Arcs of light, like flashes of lightning, came down into the room as she saw numerous saints continually appearing. As the pilgrims prayed, "Give us this day our daily bread," mystical light appeared. For a split second Nancy saw the crucified Christ and then the resurrected Christ. In a thunderous voice Jesus said, "Abortion is murder." Jesus repeated these words several times and then said, "As you murder the life of the most innocent, you are murdering the life of your very soul. "Remember, thou shall not kill. "You reap what you sow." The wall turned red as Jesus spoke the preceding words and mystical light flashed as saints continued to appear. Nancy saw a vision of a farmer in a field in which he had planted many things. The soil was dry and the seeds did not sprout. Jesus said, "What seeds do you plant and what do you want Me to cultivate?" Later, Nancy was praying for a blind nun, whom she had not met but knew was present for the apparition. Jesus said, "My daughter who is without sight sees more than My children who have sight." Later Nancy was praying for the pilgrims who were outside in the hot sun. She said to Jesus, "They are very hot outside." Jesus replied, "Do they thirst for the Word of God or do they thirst for the water of the earth? "Do you fear My judgements or the judgements of man? Do you serve Me or do you serve others? Do you come seeking My love and My mercy?" Nancy saw the vision of the farmer again. He was now kicking the earth as if he was frustrated. Then the farmer dropped down and sat upon the ground. Jesus continued, "Do you come here seeking Me in the depths of your heart? How shall I call you - a believer or a non-believer, a follower of Mine or a fallen-away child? "I love you, My dear little children." The mystical light was very bright. In a vision Nancy saw military troops marching. Later Nancy was thinking about people who questioned her visions of the saints. Nancy asked Jesus, "Some people are saying that dead people appear here." Jesus replied, "Are they dead or are they alive?" Nancy saw many saints appearing again and she exclaimed, "They are alive!" Jesus then said, "Tell them." Later in the Rosary, Nancy could no longer see any mystical light for a long time, but at the exact moment that a woman began the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion, Nancy suddenly saw the mystical light again and many saints appeared. George then told Nancy that it was the blind nun who had begun leading the Rosary at the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, just as the mystical light reappeared. Nancy prayed for the nun saying, "Jesus, please heal the nun's sight, according to Your Will." Jesus said, "I tell you, she has greater sight than the rest. "You come seeking a healing, pray for the healing of your soul. Seek this healing. "The souls of the lukewarm pierce My heart through and through. The souls of the lukewarm are withering, they are dying. Be on guard against the temptations of laziness, of worldliness. "My heart is rich in mercy and compassion. Come unto Me like a little child who is sorry for hurting his parents. Be a little child before Me. "Walk among your sisters and brothers in humility and love." In a vision Nancy saw a map of the world. The continents were in red. The map of the world appeared and faded several times and then it vanished. Jesus said, "In a twinkling of an eye the world can change. "Oh My children, no one loves you like I do."

"My children seek signs and wonders"
Jesus said, "My children seek signs and wonders. They do not seek Me in the depths of their hearts. "Believe the Scriptures. "When you gather together in My Name, I am here." Nancy saw bright mystical light on the crucifix from which Jesus was speaking. Arcs of light like flashes of lightning came down into the room as she saw numerous saints continually appearing. As the pilgrims prayed "Give us our daily bread, " mystical light appeared again. For a split second Nancy saw the crucified Christ and then the resurrected Christ. In a thunderous voice Jesus said, "Abortion is murder." Jesus repeated these words several times and then He said, "As you murder the life of the most innocent, you are murdering the life of your very soul. "Remember, thou shall not kill. "You reap what you sow." The wall turned red as Jesus spoke the preceding words and mystical light flashed as saints continued to appear. Nancy saw a vision of a farmer in a field in which he had planted many things. The soil was dry and the seeds did not sprout. Jesus said, "What seeds do you plant and what do you want Me to cultivate? "Later, Nancy was praying for a blind nun whom she had not met but knew was present for the apparition. Jesus said, "My daughter who is without sight sees more than My children who have sight." Later Nancy was praying for the pilgrims who were outside in the hot sun. She said to Jesus, "They are very hot outside."Jesus replied, "Do they thirst for the Word of God or do they thirst for the water of the earth. "Do you fear My judgements or the judgements of man. Do you serve Me or do you serve others? Do you come seeking My love and My mercy?" Nancy saw the vision of the farmer again. He was now kicking the earth as if he was frustrated. Then the farmer dropped and sat upon the ground. Jesus continued, "Do you come here seeking Me in the depths of your heart? How shall I call you - a believer or a non-believer, a follower of Mine or a fallen away child? "I love you, My dear little children." The mystical light was very bright. In a vision Nancy saw military troops marching. Later Nancy was thinking about people who questioned her visions of the saints. Nancy asked Jesus, "Some people are saying that dead people appear here." Jesus replied, "Are they dead or are they alive?" Nancy saw many saints appearing again and she exclaimed, "They are alive! "Jesus then said, "Tell them." Later in the Rosary, Nancy could no longer see any mystical light. At the exact moment that a nun began the 5th Sorrowful Mystery, the Crucifixion, Nancy suddenly saw the mystical light again and many saints appeared. George then told Nancy that it was the blind nun who was now leading the Rosary. Nancy prayed for the nun saying, "Jesus, please heal the nun's sight." Jesus said, "I tell you she has greater sight than the rest. "You come seeking a healing, pray for the healing of your soul. Seek this healing. "The souls of the lukewarm pierce My heart through and through. The souls of the lukewarm are withering, they are dying. Be on guard against the temptations of laziness, of worldliness. "My heart is rich in mercy and compassion. Come unto Me like a little child who is sorry for hurting his parents. Be a little child before Me. "Walk among your sisters and brothers in humility and love." In a vision Nancy saw a map of the world. The continents were in red. The map of the world appeared and faded several times and then it vanished. Jesus said, "In a twinkling of an eye the world can change. "Oh My children, no one loves you like I do."
# 722
My Presence Remains Here. It Is You Who Cannot See
Jesus said, "Through the cross, My dear precious little one, I have given My Life to the world. My Life and My Light are One. My Light illuminates in the hearts of My faithful. "Please tell My children: Put silence in your life. Know that I Am. "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. Know Holy Scripture. "I am alive in your midst. My children, come to Me in prayer. "I am blessing My children. "I love you." Nancy could no longer see any mystical signs. "My presence remains here. It is you who cannot see. I have not left. "Do you pray with the same fervor as when you see the Light? "I am constant. I am present. I never left. "When you come in prayer, be reverent. You come into My presence."

"Through the cross, ... I have given My Life to the world"
"Through the cross, My dear precious little one, I have given My Life to the world. My Life and My Light are One. My Light illuminates in the hearts of My faithful. "Please tell My children to put silence in your life. "Know that I Am. "I am in the Father and the Father is in Me. "Know Holy Scripture. "I am alive in your midst. My children, come to Me in prayer. "I am blessing My children. "I love you. " Nancy could no longer see any mystical signs. "My presence remains here. It is you who cannot see. I have not left. "Do you pray with the same fervor as when you see the Light? "I am constant. I am present. I never left. "When you come in prayer, be reverent. You come into My presence."
# 365
My Children Do Not Know God
During the monthly apparition, the Blessed Mother told Nancy, "My children do not know God. If they knew Him, they would keep His commandments. If they knew Him, they would follow in His footsteps."
# 366
My Son Will Continue to Instruct You in His Ways
Nancy saw blood come down the Blessed Mother's face. She then asked what would happen when the apparitions and the monthly messages for the United States on the 13th come to an end. "My Son will continue to instruct you in His ways. I will be at His side. Only rarely will I speak as God permits. "Your suffering is saving souls."
# 437
You Are Bringing This Suffering upon Yourselves
The Blessed Mother was very sad and Jesus momentarily appeared. The Blessed Mother said, "My Son comforts me. He is with me. "Children, you do not know how close you are to a very great, great suffering. You are bringing this suffering upon yourselves. "I am the Mother of God and your Loving Mother and my Son has sent me to help you."
# 489
Children Are Being Murdered at this Very Moment
During the monthly apparition the Blessed Mother cried a dark substance again. Nancy asked, "Why do you cry blood?" The Blessed Mother answered, "Because children are being murdered at this very moment. Abortion is murder."
# 558
There Is Universal Rejection of God
The Blessed Mother told Nancy, "My children are going to suffer more because they have not returned to God. There is universal rejection of God all over the world." Three times Nancy saw a dark substance, that looked like blood, come down the Blessed Mother's face. "Please love God more. Please." The Blessed Mother said this with a pleading tone. "Do you pray from your heart or from your lips? "Where are My sick children?" The Blessed Mother did not look pleased. She kept closing her eyes and looking downward. She looked sad. "My words are few. My children, you are not listening." Blood streamed down the Blessed Mother's face. "My children who are here are consoling my heart." The Blessed Mother burst in bright light.
# 559
No Matter What Is Said
The Blessed Mother spoke about love to Nancy, "The answer for the world is love, love. No matter what is said, no matter what is done, always love, always forgive."
"The answer for the world is love, love. No matter what is said, no matter what is done, always love, always forgive."
Nancy again saw blood come down the Blessed Mother's face. She then saw a vision of a great amount of water rushing on to and flooding the land. The land was flat and more and more water kept flowing on to the land. The water came quickly. "Look at the land mass; look at the amount of water. Why do you children remain stubborn? Amend your life." Nancy understood that the Blessed Mother was pointing out the huge quantity of water that covers the surface of the planet and the relatively small amount of land mass.
# 650
Take My Mother's Hand, She Will Bring You to Me

"Take My Mother's hand, She will bring you to Me."
Jesus said to Nancy, "All over the world My children's hearts need to be healed. I am the Healer; come to Me. Take My Mother's hand, She will bring you to Me. I am Jesus, Son of the Living God. I am He who speaks to you, dearest daughter. Go and proclaim My words."
# 707
Surrender Your Will to His Will... You Will Have Peace...
"My dear children, open your hearts to God and allow my Son, Jesus, to live within you. Surrender your will to His will. When you do this, you will have peace and direction for your life. My Son desires to heal each one of you. Go to Him. As my Son loves you and forgives you, you are being called to love and forgive each other. Pray, little children, pray. Express your prayer in love and in this way you will have a closer union with God. "As your Loving Mother, I bless you. Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart and remember to thank my Son for permitting me to come. When you make the Sign of the Cross, I will bless you and everything you have brought with you. Please know I have carried the petitions of your hearts to my Son."
# 775
They Test and They Test... There Is Too Little Faith
The Blessed Mother said, "My children, they test and they test and they test. Pray, my dear children, for the grace of greater faith." Nancy saw a beautiful crown appear above the Blessed Mother's head. "There is too little faith. There is too little faith. I ask that no more testing be done. I ask that my children come and pray." [There were some scientists in the apparition room conducting tests.] The Blessed Mother spoke again about the scientific testing and said, "Testing is an interruption in your offering to God."
# 786
You Must Be Cleansed
Nancy saw a vision of a wave coming from one direction. The Blessed Mother said, "Water will wash on to the land." Nancy asked if the water will come from the ocean. "You must be cleansed. Please children, amend your lives. Please." Again Nancy saw a dark substance come down the Blessed Mother's face. "My children do not know God. If they knew Him, they would keep His commandments. If they knew Him, they would follow in His footsteps."

The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children, open your hearts to God and allow my Son, Jesus, to live within you. Surrender your will to His will. When you do this, you will have peace and direction for your life. My Son desires to heal each one of you. Go to Him. As my Son loves you and forgives you, you are being called to love and forgive each other. Pray, little children, pray. Express your prayer in love and in this way you will have a closer union with God. "As your loving mother, I bless you. Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart and remember to thank my Son for permitting me to come. When you make the Sign of the Cross, I will bless you and everything you have brought with you. Please know I have carried the petitions of your hearts to my Son."
# 849
My Children Must Pray
Jesus said to Nancy, "My children must pray. My children must pray. You do not know what awaits you."
# 850
Give Your Heart to God in Prayer
The Blessed Mother said to Nancy, "I invite each of you, my dear children, to give your heart to God in prayer." "Please love God more. Please." The Blessed Mother said this with a pleading tone.
"Do you pray from your heart or from your lips?"
"Do you pray from your heart or from your lips?"
# 851
These Are Important Sacramentals
The Blessed Mother asked Nancy to replace a scapular that was missing from the statue of Our Loving Mother in the apparition room. The Blessed Mother went on to explain about the rosary and the scapular, "These are important sacramentals. Please teach my children."
# 888
Celebrate Each Mass as if It Were Your Last
The Blessed Mother said, "Tell my priests, tell my priests to remain obedient to the Holy Father, John Paul II. It is God who chooses the Pope, not man." "I have a message for all my priests: Remain obedient. Hold fast to tradition and serve in selfless love." Padre Pio appeared. "Celebrate each Mass as if it were your last with utmost reverence and in great faith." Padre Pio appeared again. "Be a witness for God." Nancy understood that the Blessed Mother was speaking to everyone in the world. "Be holy as God is holy."
# 960
Allow My Son, Jesus, to Live within You. Surrender Your Will to His Will

"As My Son loves you and forgives you, you are being called to love and forgive each other."
The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children, open your hearts to God and allow my Son, Jesus, to live within you. Surrender your will to His will. When you do this, you will have peace and direction for your life. My Son desires to heal each one of you. Go to Him. As my Son loves you and forgives you, you are being called to love and forgive each other. Pray, little children, pray. Express your prayer in love and in this way you will have a closer union with God."
# 445
Recognize Him and Free Yourself of Him
During the monthly message for the United States, the Blessed Mother said, "... darkness is over America and more darkness will come unless you return to my Son. Satan has infiltrated every aspect of your life. Recognize him and free yourself of him. Please listen to these words with your heart. Follow my Son, His Way is Life. This message is for everyone in every walk of life. Children, please heed these words. I bless you."
# 636
Tell Them about the Black Cloud
During the 1st Sorrowful Mystery, the Blessed Mother said, "Tell them about the black cloud." [In church after Mass that morning, Nancy was praying and wondering about the message for the United States. Jesus then said, "I will give you the message for the United States." Nancy waited for Jesus to say more but she heard nothing. Then an angel appeared, kneeling and facing the Tabernacle. Nancy then saw a huge black cloud and understood it to be a grave sign for the United States.]
"Please tell my children about my appearing in black. It is a grave sign."
The Blessed Mother continued speaking, "Much more suffering is about to befall the world. Please tell my children about my appearing in black. It is a grave sign. I am mourning for lost souls." "Many of my children are not believing in our appearances here." Later the Blessed Mother said, "Dearest daughter, I ask that you pray more." Nancy saw a light, like a cloud, appear above and to the left of the Blessed Mother's head. The Blessed Mother said to Nancy, "I will ask more changes of you." Nancy asked the Blessed Mother to help her. "Pray more. Write more." Nancy saw the Blessed Mother bursting in light. The Blessed Mother said, "You are willing to change. Many are not."
# 695
Satan Has Infiltrated Every Aspect of Your Life. Recognize Him and Free Yourself...
"My dear little children, darkness is over America and more darkness will come unless you return to my Son. Satan has infiltrated every aspect of your life. Recognize him and free yourself of him. Please listen to these words with your heart. Follow my Son, His way is life. This message is for everyone in every walk of life. Children, please heed these words. I bless you. At this time you may hold the articles you brought with you and I will bless them. Please tell my children I have received the petitions of your hearts and I have brought them to my Son. Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart. (Nancy, you will not be able to see me at this time.) Remember to thank my Son."

The Blessed Mother said, "My dear little child, darkness is over America and more darkness will come unless you return to my Son. Satan has infiltrated every aspect of your life. Recognize him and free yourself of him. [Nancy saw everything bursting in light. Edwin saw it as well.] Please listen to these words with your heart. Follow my Son, His way is life. This message is for everyone in every walk of life. Children, please heed these words. I bless you. At this time you may hold the articles you brought with you and I will bless them. Please tell my children I've received the petitions of your hearts and I've brought them to my Son. Please make the sign of the cross as I depart. (Nancy, you will not be able to see me at this time.) Remember to thank my Son.
# 863
The World Refuses to Recognize the Reality of Satan
During the monthly apparition as all the pilgrims prayed the 5th Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary, the Blessed Mother said, "The world refuses to recognize the reality of Satan and his influences upon mankind. "Please tell my children about the vision at Mass this morning." [At Mass that morning just after the Consecration, Nancy saw in a vision a big human like creature with features like a black gorilla. The creature came out from behind the altar and quickly snatched a child that was wrapped securely in a white blanket and glowing in dazzling, brilliant light. The creature was running away with the child. The vision scared Nancy. She understood the creature to be Satan and the child to be Jesus, Who is truly present in the Eucharist. Satan was trying to snatch Jesus away from His people by deceiving mankind into believing that Jesus is not really present in the Eucharist.]

The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children of America, where are your hearts? Prepare your hearts by opening your hearts to My Son. Preparation is a time to get ready. Be ready. Throughout your life, you are getting ready for work, for appointments, for leisure, for rest. Make your hearts ready. If your heart is closed, My Son remains on the outside, knocking. Open your heart. Be clean. My Son is waiting to give you gifts. As your Loving Mother, I bless you--and bless each other."
# 156
Make Your Hearts Ready
The Blessed Mother, Our Loving Mother, said, "My dear children of America, where are your hearts? Prepare your hearts by opening your hearts to My Son. Preparation is a time to get ready. Be ready. Throughout your life, you are getting ready for work, for appointments, for leisure, for rest. Make your hearts ready. If your heart is closed, My Son remains on the outside, knocking. Open your heart. Be clean. My Son is waiting to give you gifts. As your Loving Mother, I bless you. And bless each other."
# 318
Make Your Hearts Ready
"My dear children of America, where are your hearts? Prepare your hearts by opening your hearts to My Son. Preparation is a time to get ready. Be ready. Throughout your life, you are getting ready for work, for appointments, for leisure, for rest. Make your hearts ready. If your heart is closed, My Son remains on the outside, knocking. Open your heart. Be clean. My Son is waiting to give you gifts. As your Loving Mother, I bless you--and bless each other."

Past Messages that fall only on: 07/27/2024