Jesus and Our Loving Mother’s Message(s) that fall on Today’s Date

(These messages have been given by Jesus and Our Loving Mother to Nancy Fowler)
(Anniversary messages on the 13ths are shown if there are no past messages for today) – Conyers Our Loving Mother – Official Website for Nancy Fowler)

# 728
Reflect upon the Word Glory
As the pilgrims outside were singing the Fatima Song, streams of bright, white, mystical light and a cross descended into the apparition room. The Blessed Mother with the Baby Jesus in her arms appeared to the left of the crucifix. Many saints, one after another appeared. There was mystical light around the crucifix as the Corpus of Christ burst forth in brilliant white light. Jesus said, "My Mother and I are here." The image of Jesus was superimposed on the cross and became alive. Shortly after the Rosary began and as the leader prayed the words "Glory be to the Father", Jesus turned His head and looked up toward Heaven. Jesus said, "Did you hear the words: Glory be [He paused] to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? To give proper glory to God, you must be humble. "Thank you for your acts of reparation. I ask My children to make reparation. Look upon the crucifix and understand in your heart the reparation I made for you. "Do not seek signs and wonders but seek Me in My Living Presence in your midst. Come before Me with reverence and repentant hearts. "Children, I desire to heal you. Come to Me. "Again I say: Do not seek signs and wonders, seek Me alone. Satan is deceiving you and you do not know it. Do not be deceived by false messages. I tell you there are many. My words are Life and they bring Life to your soul. "All glory is Mine. Give all glory to God alone. Give glory to God in selfless acts of love and sacrifice from your heart to My heart. "Reflect upon the word 'glory'. You say this word but you do not know this word. Look in the Bible and see how many times 'glory' is written and I tell you, children, you do not know this word. "From the cross I gave My Father the supreme act of glory. Glorify God alone. You cannot glorify God unless you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow in My footsteps. "Glory, glory, glory not from your lips [there was a lengthy pause] but from the depths of your heart in acts of selfless love. Give to Me as I give to you." At this point the meditation for the First Sorrowful Mystery, the Agony in the Garden, was read. Jesus continued, "Did you hear the words just said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by?' Will you drink of the cup? Do not let the cup pass you by. Drink of the cup by giving yourself to Me wholeheartedly, completely, [Jesus paused] entirely." From the crucifix, Jesus looked upward. He then lowered His head and became still. A large angel appeared at the foot of the crucifix. Jesus continued speaking, "My peace is My gift to you. Die to your self first." The wall turned scarlet red and the crucifix glowed in bright, white, mystical light as Jesus said, "My children, glorify God in selfless love for Me." Nancy saw Jesus suffering on the crucifix. Jesus said, "My children, I love you. My children, I love you. My children, I love you." Jesus kept repeating these words over and over. Nancy wondered aloud why Jesus kept repeating the words. Jesus explained, "Believe [He paused and with utmost tenderness said,] and know this." A brilliant, glowing white light was superimposed over the crucifix. In this light, the face of Jesus alternated between that of the suffering Jesus and the Risen Christ. The suffering face of Jesus looked upward. The face of the Risen Christ looked directly at Nancy. Jesus then said, "Surrender. Surrender your will. You glorify God in your surrender, little one. Glorify God in the cross. Glorify the One Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Nancy prayed quietly for the pilgrims, "Please, Jesus, let the lame walk. Let the blind see. Let the tumors be gone." Jesus then said, "Glorify God in the cross." "Raise your hands and voices to God in thanksgiving and praise, and give the glory to God by the way you live your life. Again I say: Glorify God alone." Jesus turned His head, looked upward and became still. There was an image of a woman at the foot of the crucifix praying. Then the image of a cross ascended and disappeared. Nancy noticed some scapulars and rosaries which pilgrims had left in the apparition room. Nancy wondered if Jesus had blessed them during the apparition. Momentarily a light flashed into the room as Jesus said, "Yes, Nancy, everyone, everything has been blessed."

"Glorify God Alone"
As the pilgrims outside were singing the Fatima Song, streams of bright, white, mystical light and a cross descended into the apparition room. The Blessed Mother with the Baby Jesus in her arms appeared to the left of the crucifix. Many saints, one after another appeared. There was mystical light around the crucifix as the Corpus of Christ burst forth in brilliant white light. Jesus said, "My Mother and I are here." The image of Jesus was superimposed on the cross and became alive. Shortly after the Rosary began and as the leader prayed the words "Glory be to the Father", Jesus turned His head and looked up toward Heaven. Jesus said, "Did you hear the words: Glory be [He paused] to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? To give proper glory to God, you must be humble. "Thank you for your acts of reparation. I ask My children to make reparation. Look upon the crucifix and understand in your heart the reparation I made for you. "Do not seek signs and wonders but seek Me in My Living Presence in your midst. Come before Me with reverence and repentant hearts. "Children, I desire to heal you. Come to Me. "Again I say: Do not seek signs and wonders, seek Me alone. Satan is deceiving you and you do not know it. Do not be deceived by false messages. I tell you there are many. My words are Life and they bring Life to your soul. "All glory is Mine. Give all glory to God alone. Give glory to God in selfless acts of love and sacrifice from your heart to My heart. "Reflect upon the word 'glory'. You say this word but you do not know this word. Look in the Bible and see how many times 'glory' is written and I tell you, children, you do not know this word. "From the cross I gave My Father the supreme act of glory. Glorify God alone. You cannot glorify God unless you deny yourself, take up your cross and follow in My footsteps. "Glory, glory, glory not from your lips [there was a lengthy pause] but from the depths of your heart in acts of selfless love. Give to Me as I give to you." At this point the meditation for the First Sorrowful Mystery, the Agony in the Garden, was read. Jesus continued, "Did you hear the words just said: 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass Me by?' Will you drink of the cup? Do not let the cup pass you by. Drink of the cup by giving yourself to Me wholeheartedly, completely, [Jesus paused] entirely." From the crucifix, Jesus looked upward. He then lowered His head and became still. A large angel appeared at the foot of the crucifix. Jesus continued speaking, "My peace is My gift to you. Die to your self first." The wall turned scarlet red and the crucifix glowed in bright, white, mystical light as Jesus said, "My children, glorify God in selfless love for Me." Nancy saw Jesus suffering on the crucifix. Jesus said, "My children, I love you. My children, I love you. My children, I love you." Jesus kept repeating these words over and over. Nancy wondered aloud why Jesus kept repeating the words. Jesus explained, "Believe [He paused and with utmost tenderness said,] and know this." A brilliant, glowing white light was superimposed over the crucifix. In this light, the face of Jesus alternated between that of the suffering Jesus and the Risen Christ. The suffering face of Jesus looked upward. The face of the Risen Christ looked directly at Nancy. Jesus then said, "Surrender. Surrender your will. You glorify God in your surrender, little one. Glorify God in the cross. Glorify the One Triune God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit." Nancy prayed quietly for the pilgrims, "Please, Jesus, let the lame walk. Let the blind see. Let the tumors be gone. "Jesus then said, "Glorify God in the cross. "Raise your hands and voices to God in thanksgiving and praise, and give the glory to God by the way you live your life. Again I say: Glorify God alone." Jesus turned His head, looked upward and became still. There was an image of a woman at the foot of the crucifix praying. Then the image of a cross ascended and disappeared. Nancy noticed some scapulars and rosaries which pilgrims had left in the apparition room. Nancy wondered if Jesus had blessed them during the apparition. Momentarily a light flashed into the room as Jesus said, "Yes, Nancy, everyone, everything has been blessed."
# 499
Your False Gods Will Fail You
The Blessed Mother appeared in great mystical light, she said, "Dear children, thank you for responding to my call here. My call goes to all mankind to have great faith in God. At the end of the Glorious Mysteries, I will give the message. "Pray, children, pray." Nancy said that the Blessed Mother was beautiful. Nancy then saw great areas of red behind the Blessed Mother and a beautiful crown appeared above her head. A dark substance flowed from the Blessed Mother's eye as she said, "My children are going to suffer more. They are not coming back to God. "Your false gods will fail you. One day you will have money and the next you will not. One day you will have many riches and the next day you will not."
# 714
The Words of My Son Are Life for You
"My dear children, my Son has spoken to you. Are you listening? Please listen to Him. "The words of my Son are life for you. Please listen to Him. "The message is serious. Read the message given by my Son on February 6th. It is part of the message for the United States, and this message is also for the world. Please do not disregard these words. "I love you and I bless you in the Name of my Son, Jesus. It is a grace from God that I have come to be with you again today. "Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart and, please, remember to thank my Son for this special grace. I am blessing you and everything you have with you." [The February 6, 1994 message from Jesus follows.]

The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children, my Son has spoken to you. Are you listening? Please listen to Him. "The words of my Son are life for you. Please listen to Him. "The message is serious. Read the message given by my Son on February 6th. It is part of the message for the United States, and this message is also for the world. Please do not disregard these words. "I love you and I bless you in the Name of my Son, Jesus. It is a grace from God that I have come to be with you again today. "Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart and, please, remember to thank my Son for this special grace. I am blessing you and everything you have with you." The February 6, 1994 Message from Jesus Nancy was discussing with George her many recent visions of black embryos and, occasionally, a white embryo. Jesus then appeared. Jesus said, "Say to My children this: You must know that abortion is murder. Inhabitants of the earth, stop committing murder." Nancy said that the light on the Sacred Heart of Jesus picture was very bright. The clock was chiming as Jesus continued speaking. "Time is running out. Repent, repent, repent or else you will suffer, suffer and suffer. "I am the Creator; you are not. I am the Author of life; you are not. Do not kill who I have created. The commandment of God is: Thou shall not kill. "Why do you remain stubborn and in sin. Come back to Me. Come back to Me. "Come back to me now while there is still time. "Sin breeds sin. If you choose the darkness of sin, then, so shall you be in darkness. "Man, you shall crawl upon the earth like serpents. You choose this way of life with your own free will. "You have taken My gifts and perverted them. You have become selfish. "You have filled your heart with hate and you plot evil against each other. Violence will beget more violence. Conflicts will turn into wars. "You will battle with each other over laws that you create apart from Me. Then so will the earth tremble in many places. The earth will divide. The earth will divide and take away your riches. "Some of you will die suddenly. You will have no warning. My Mother has told you: 'Prepare, prepare, prepare.' "You have closed your ears. You have closed your hearts to Me. "When you have pushed My Mother aside, I tell you, you have pushed Me aside too. My Mother stands with Me. "When you push God aside, then you shall suffer the consequences. "The clock continues to tick. The hour is rapidly approaching when one disaster after another will befall you. There will be fighting everywhere. There will be famine and polluted water in many places. "Great waves will crash upon your shores and you will experience cold when you should experience warmth. Flood waters will increase in many places. "Fire will be upon the earth. You will think that the heavens and the earth have rebelled against you. "The clock continues to tick. "Know that all that I have told you and more will come to pass. "Repent. Repent. Repent. "If you have ears, open them. If you have eyes, open them and come back to Me. Please, dear children."
# 352
My Fallen Away Children
As everyone began the first Glorious Mystery, the Resurrection of Jesus, the Blessed Mother said to Nancy, "Bring the resurrection of my Son to my fallen away children."
# 353
Do Not Be Afraid... I Go before You
Before the noonday, monthly apparition of the Blessed Mother, Nancy was praying. Jesus appeared and said, "Do not be afraid. Speak My words. My Mother and I have appeared many times this morning. "The message you will deliver will be difficult but be strong. I go before you."
# 469
Satan Is Busy Sowing Division
As the pilgrims sang the Fatima Song, Nancy saw light in the apparition room. When the light came, the devil, disguised as the Blessed Mother, appeared several times. Nancy cast him out each time in the Name of Jesus and the devil departed. [Later, a man came up to Nancy and described to her what he had seen at apparently the same time. Nancy said that what he had seen was consistent with her vision of Satan's deception.] The Blessed Mother said, "Satan is busy sowing division, false messages and false signs."
# 615
Many People Are Seeking a Safe Refuge
The Blessed Mother said, "Too many people are seeking a safe refuge and, they are forgetting the safe refuge is in our hearts." [The hearts of Jesus and the Blessed Mother.]
# 762
Some Do Not Want to Know Me
Nancy saw a vision of many people whom she did not recognize. She also saw Padre Pio. Nancy asked the Blessed Mother, "Are you helping everyone?" [Nancy was thinking of people of all denominations.]
"Everyone is my child."
"Everyone is my child. Some reject me. Some do not want to know me. Some do not want to accept God. Some love God. Some love me. I love everyone, the well, the sick." Nancy momentarily saw the face of Jesus appear. The Blessed Mother said, "Please thank all my helpers."

The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children, please quiet your hearts. I ask you to stop right where you are. Think about God more and talk to Him more. "Many of you will find these instructions too basic. Many of my children are infants and are very young. Many, many of you have not taken your first step on your journey back to God. Please understand my Son has sent me to help you. Take my hand. Take my heart and listen. God's plan for each of you is to know Him and to grow in Love. This time is your time. Each soul is unique unto God and God has given each soul a unique journey. Grow, little children, in Love. I bless you. "As you make the Sign of the Cross, I will depart yet I will remain with you wherever you pray. [The face of Jesus appeared momentarily.] Please remember to thank my Son."
# 837
Let Us Give Our Hearts to My Son in Prayer
Toward the end of the Fatima Song, everyone sang the words "Our Country's Protectress." As they did, in the apparition room a great white light appeared around the picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Again Nancy saw the light and said, "She's here! I am so happy to see you." The Blessed Mother said, "Welcome, dear children, thank you for your journey of faith. "At the end of the Glorious Mysteries, I will give the message for the United States. Together, let us give our hearts to my Son in prayer." The Blessed Mother's rosary was glowing. From each bead came rays of light. The Blessed Mother said, "Thank you for your petitions." The Blessed Mother was radiant. When everyone prayed the Our Father, the Blessed Mother, with the Christ Child in her arms, burst into light.
# 838
You Will Make More Wrong Decisions

"Children must take responsibility for the decisions of their lives. They must ask God to help them."
Later the Blessed Mother said, "Children must take responsibility for the decisions of their lives. They must ask God to help them. You will make more wrong decisions if you do not seek the help of God. "My Son is not pleased with messengers that cause our children to panic. Panic is not the way of God. "No matter how dark it may appear around you, you must persevere in prayer."
# 839
You Will Understand Why
As everyone began to pray the Fourth Glorious Mystery, the Blessed Mother said, "I desire to give the message for the United States now. You will understand why." At this point the Blessed Mother gave the message for the United States. After the Blessed Mother finished the message, Nancy said, "As everyone made the Sign of the Cross, the Blessed Mother blessed us. Our petitions were carried to her Son." The Blessed Mother went upward and departed from the room. Very appropriately, all the pilgrims resumed praying the Fourth Glorious Mystery, the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, body and soul, into Heaven. Afterwards Nancy said, "The Blessed Mother explained that she stopped the Rosary to emphasize the message. She wants us to stop and to think more about God. She also wants us to talk to Him."
# 928
My Children Want the Glory but Do Not Want to Walk the Passion with My Son
Nancy said, "The cross has been very heavy lately." The Blessed Mother said, "Remember it is a privilege to carry the cross. Simon the Cyrene was given the great privilege of carrying the cross even though he did not want to." Everything in the corner of the apparition room was bursting in light.
"Tell My children that Purgatory exists."
Nancy prayed for a new bishop [the Atlanta Archdiocese was without a bishop], for the people present and, especially, for the sick. A beautiful white cross appeared above the Blessed Mother's head. At the same moment, a single tear came from her eye as she said, "My children want the glory but do not want to walk the Passion with my Son." Nancy asked about the people she recently saw in visions at Mass. "They are souls from Purgatory. Tell my children that Purgatory exists. Thank you for helping me."
# 234
Carry These Laws Of God In Your Heart
"Be children of light. Know the commandments of God and carry these laws of God in your hearts. In this way you will know God and you will grow in love with Him and with each other. Little children, the commandments of God have been given to you to help you be united with God."
# 212
People Do Not Carry Their Crosses
Our Loving Mother said, "It makes me sad that people do not carry their crosses."
# 633
Let Me Lead You to My Son
The Blessed Mother said to Nancy, "Come and seek refuge in my Immaculate Heart. I am Blessed Virgin Mary, the Loving Mother of God, and your Loving Mother. Come, little children, and let Me lead you to my Son."
# 702
Many, Many of You Have Not Taken Your First Step on Your Journey Back to God
"My dear children, please quiet your hearts. I ask you to stop right where you are. Think about God more and talk to Him more. "Many of you will find these instructions too basic. Many of my children are infants and are very young. Many, many of you have not taken your first step on your journey back to God. Please understand my Son has sent me to help you. Take my hand. Take my heart and listen. God's plan for each of you is to know Him and to grow in Love. This time is your time. Each soul is unique unto God and God has given each soul a unique journey. Grow, little children, in Love. I bless you. "As you make the Sign of the Cross, I will depart, yet I will remain with you wherever you pray." [The face of Jesus appeared momentarily.] "Please remember to thank my Son."

The Blessed Mother said, "Dear little children of America, it is a grace to desire simpleness and littleness. Ask for the grace to live simply and to be humble. Be children of light. Know the commandments of God and carry these laws of God in your hearts. In this way you will know God and you will grow in love with Him and with each other. Little children, the commandments of God have been given to you to help you be united with God. My Son and I love each of you. I desire each of you to be united with my Son forever. Please amend your lives and return to God. Please do as I ask, or you will have much more to suffer. I bless you. Come and seek refuge in my Immaculate Heart. I am Blessed Virgin Mary the Loving Mother of God, and your Loving Mother. Come little children, and let me lead you to my Son. As you make the sign of the cross, I will bless you and everything you have brought with you. Please thank my Son for permitting me to come."
# 325
Know The Commandments Of God
"Dear little children of America, it is a grace to desire simpleness and littleness. Ask for the grace to live simply and to be humble. Be children of light. Know the commandments of God and carry these laws of God in your hearts. In this way you will know God and you will grow in love with Him and with each other. Little children, the commandments of God have been given to you to help you be united with God. My Son and I love each of you. I desire each of you to be united with my Son forever. Please amend your lives and return to God. Please do as I ask, or you will have much more to suffer. I bless you. Come and seek refuge in my Immaculate Heart. I am Blessed Virgin Mary the Loving Mother of God, and your Loving Mother. Come little children, and let me lead you to my Son. As you make the sign of the cross, I will bless you and everything you have brought with you. Please thank my Son for permitting me to come."
# 228
My Commandments Are Being Violated More Than Ever
During the Mass as the priest was talking about how fornication and adultery violate God's commandments, Nancy saw a large black triangle appear. Nancy understood this to signify the Holy Trinity of God is offended by these sins. Jesus then said, "My commandments are more important now than ever, because more than ever, they are being violated."

The Blessed Mother said, "I invite my children to be comfortable. I will give a message for the United States. My dear children of America, as your Loving Mother I would like to teach you. Live a life not of the flesh. Live a life of the soul. Your flesh will return to ashes. The life of your soul is forever. Repent and come back to God. Your salvation depends upon this. The war will become worse. [The Gulf War beagn January 16, 1991.] There will be more sorrow in families, my dear children. War is a punishment from God." [Nancy said the Blessed Mother was very sad.] "I will remain with you in prayer and I extend my hand to you. Help me to help you to come back to my Son. I bless you."
# 151
Live a Life of the Soul
The Blessed Mother, Our Loving Mother, said, "I invite my children to be comfortable. I will give a message for the United States. My dear children of America, as your Loving Mother I would like to teach you. Live a life not of the flesh. Live a life of the soul. Your flesh will return to ashes. The life of your soul is forever. Repent and come back to God. Your salvation depends upon this. The war will become worse. There will be more sorrow in families, my dear children. War is a punishment from God." [Nancy said the Blessed Mother is very sad.] "I will remain with you in prayer and I extend my hand to you. Help me to help you to come back to my Son. I bless you."
# 81
Rise Up With My Risen Son
(February 13, 1991 50) As the people present began to pray the First Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, The Resurrection, Our Loving Mother said, "Please stand." She motioned with both hands to rise. "Rise up in splendor. Rise up with my risen Son. I invite you to be one with Him."
# 105
He Died for Each of You
(February 13, 1991 62) The Blessed Mother, Our Loving Mother, appeared holding Infant Jesus. "Tell my children I am here", Our Loving Mother said. "Dear children, I will give you a message for the United States at the end of the Rosary." She said, "I will remain with you through the Rosary." She also spoke to Nancy during the Rosary. A crown appeared over Our Loving Mother's head. Our Loving Mother gently looked around the room at everyone, "I am receiving the petitions from your heart. I am receiving them in my heart and giving them to the heart of Jesus. "Please continue the Rosary", she said. When Nancy said the fifth sorrowful mystery (the crucifixion), "Let us die for the love of Jesus (die to ourselves)," a tear came down Our Loving Mother's cheek. "Thank everyone for loving My son. Thank you for caring", Our Loving Mother said. Nancy said, "A light streamed past me. I believe it is penetrating someone's heart." A lady in that direction began to cry. Our Loving Mother said, "I am speaking at this station so you will reflect upon My son. Never forget for a moment that He died for each of you." Our Loving Mother explained that a station is a place where one stops for a while. "Please always stop at this station. Always stop here and rest a while and thank Him. He stopped for you."
# 313
Live A Life Of The Soul
"I invite my children to be comfortable. I will give a message for the United States. My dear children of America, as your Loving Mother I would like to teach you. Live a life not of the flesh. Live a life of the soul. Your flesh will return to ashes. The life of your soul is forever. Repent and come back to God. Your salvation depends upon this. The war will become worse. There will be more sorrow in families, my dear children. War is a punishment from God." [Nancy said the Blessed Mother was very sad.] "I will remain with you in prayer and I extend my hand to you. Help me to help you to come back to my Son. I bless you."

Past Messages that fall only on: 02/12/2025