# 271
Satan Will Try To Interfere Every Step Of The Way

Jesus said, "I warn you, dear children, Satan will try to interfere each step of the way. Remember, My steps are first before you. Come walk in My footsteps and you have nothing to fear."

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Nancy Fowler Breaks Ties With Group

Georgia Bulletin, March 11, 1999
(The Newspaper of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta)

ATLANTA–Nancy Fowler has publicly dissociated herself from Our Loving Mother’s Children, Inc., the non-profit group that owns and maintains the Conyers site of her reported Marian visions and publishes material based on the messages…

Pilgrims are invited to pray at Holy Hill

George Collins is now the owner of Nancy Fowler’s former home, where she experienced apparitions of Jesus and Mary at 2900 Highway 138 NE, Conyers, 30013. The Holy Hill, a site of many of her spiritual experiences, is located in the backyard of this property.

George has organized the recitation of three rosaries on the Holy Hill every 13th of the month, starting at noon. Pilgrims are warmly invited to join in prayer, continuing the tradition shared with Nancy.

Additionally, George has scheduled the praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Sunday, starting at 3:00 pm, and all are welcome to participate in this sacred devotion.

On November 30, 1987, while Nancy was in silent prayer of the heart in her home, the Crucifix was illuminated in a bright whiter than white light. The image of the corpus was engulfed in light and became lifelike.

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January 13, 1992

“Dear Children of America, be children of light. Walk away from sin. Please children, many of you are in danger of losing Heaven forever. There is no greater suffering than the loss of God. Prepare yourselves for eternal happiness. Come follow my Son’s light. Banish all darkness from your souls. Keep the laws of God. You cannot love God without keeping His commandments.

“I bless you. I am praying for you to come to the light. As my Son went to the water for His baptism, I ask you to return to the light of your baptism.”

179 – I Am The Great Provider (February 21, 1992)

Jesus said thus and then asked Nancy to get the book “My Daily Bread” and open it randomly. Nancy opened it to page 284, “The Effects of Charity in Daily Life”. Nancy saw a white cross of light appear on the page.

“This is highly recommended reading for My children. I recommend this book. How can I not recommend it when My words are in this book?”

Jesus said, “It is basically very simple, Choose Me, choose Life. Choose Satan, choose death”.

On September 12, 1992 Jesus said, “Pray about your leaders. Pray they will be and are people of God. If you elect them and they create laws against God, then you will be held accountable.”

On November 10, 1992, Jesus said to Nancy, “I am Jesus Who speaks to you. I desire to give you a message.

“My American children are going to suffer for the sins of abortion and for the rejection of My commandments. The blood of My slaughtered unborn will fall upon the United States.”

The Blessed Mother then spoke, “America, if you stand for murder, you stand against my Son. Abortion is murder.”

Are the people now choosing Jesus, and thus life? If they choose death on the innocent it will bring down war and death on this country.

On October 13, 1997 Our Loving Mother said through Nancy,I come today with the same requests. [as Fatima] Please, children, you must not offend God any longer… I come with a serious warning. A great war will come upon this world, greater than man has ever known. Pray, children, pray. Amend your ways.”

Messages on Abortion

See below a few messages from Jesus and Our Loving Mother regarding abortion.

478. If You Elect Them and They Create Laws against God, then You Will Be Held Accountable (September 12, 1992)

While at Mass, Nancy heard the Blessed Mother speak: “Nancy, my little daughter, please write my words. The murders must stop. There are grave consequences if my children do not stop murdering. God is the creator of life. He alone has the right to call souls home. When you violate God’s law and murder, you are murderers and gods unto yourselves. You will be banished forever from God unless you stop and repent.

“God is the creator of life. He alone has the right to call souls home.”

“Pray about your leaders. Pray they will be and are people of God. If you elect them and they create laws against God, then you will be held accountable.”

Nancy asked, “What if you don’t know or they change while in office?”

“Then you will be held accountable for what you know at the time of your decision.”

Later in the Mass, Nancy saw a vision of an angel appear several times with a dove above its head. She tested the vision and it remained. Jesus then said, “Be assured the angel is from Me.”

After the Mass Jesus said, “The murders must stop.”

733. My Children Seek Signs and Wonders. They Do Not Seek Me in the Depths of Their Hearts (July 13, 1995)

In a thunderous voice Jesus said, “Abortion is murder.” Jesus repeated these words several times and then said, “As you murder the life of the most innocent, you are murdering the life of your very soul.

“Remember, thou shall not kill.

“You reap what you sow.”

Federal Marriage Amendment

429. Will You Refuse to Listen Too (January 3, 1993) Jesus said, “When a man seeks a man or a woman seeks a woman in a marital relationship, this is an abomination to Me. There are many sins in the world. “The wicked sins of this generation will fall back on this generation in forms…