Trust Him and walk by faith more

January 10, 2006 Nancy was speaking to a friend and she said, I believe that God has something for me to learn from what is happening in my life. God holds my future. I need to trust Him more and walk by faith. Nancy was thinking about faults of human nature. She realized that it…

Slaughter Of The Holy Innocents

Earlier in the day Nancy’s friend was looking through a children’s book by Madeleine L’Engle called “The Glorious Impossible” illustrated with frescoes from the Scrovegni Chapel by Giotto. The illustrations in this book are awesome and the friend was just flipping through the book, not reading, but just admiring the illustrations. When the friend came…

Power of Prayer

At around 1:38 AM a friend of Nancy was telling her that for the past two weeks he has been working on a security code for a software program. At that moment, Nancy said that she saw a man with a white robe appear on the ceiling that she believes was Jesus. This happened three…

You Will Face Great Trials and Many Souls Will Abandon Their Faith

A friend of Nancy opened volume 3 on February 7, 2005 for the first time in several months. It happened that the friend opened to page 127 and there was a small piece of paper inside the margin of the page that said the words home school. The friend wondered why they had written those…

Statement from owners to whom it may concern

We will no longer invite people to pray on Holy Hill and the Holy Well will be closed in order to avoid further confusion that continues to exist in Conyers, Georgia. Holy Hill and the Holy Well are on private property and we, the private homeowners, ask that you will respect our decision made as…

Come as a little child before God

After attending Holy Mass, later that day Nancy approached the Priest and said, “Father, you had an experience with Christ at the moment of the Consecration of the Holy Mass.” The Priest was amazed, for he did have an experience, but was reluctant to speak a word to that effect. But Nancy was insisting, “I…

Vision of Angels

At 4:30 this afternoon Nancy saw a vision which seemed a great distance away. The vision appeared very small, miniature in size, and she could see in this vision one angel after another appearing. She knew they were angels because she was permitted to see their wings. It seems that the angels were looking from…

Vision of Southern Coast Line

Early July 2004 Nancy was shown a vision of Southern coast line of United States extending from part of Texas to part of the Pan Handle. She observed that the coast line seemed changed.

10 Commandments

Today Nancy had a series of mystical visions of people who appeared all in white with their hands together in a prayerful way. This occurred when she said, we need to add more prayers to the website and we need to pray for the grace to obey and keep the ten commandments of God. 10…

No Sacrifice is too small

(Matthew 6:16-18) And when you fast, be not as the hypocrites, sad. For they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. But thou, when thou fastest anoint thy head, and wash thy face; That thou appear not to men to fast,…