Priest blesses, it is God blessing through him

Nancy would like to extend her deepest and continued gratitude to all her friends for their constant support during her time of illness. She is currently seeing Doctors for that matter and ready to undergo treatment for her condition. She would like to share with you all the following experience of September 6, 2009: As…

Feast of the Assumption

Feast of the Assumption Many of Nancy’s mystical experiences occur within the context of the Mass. Although God is present everywhere, the Mass is the moment in time when she is most in touch with the Divine. Again, it is the peak of our prayer-life. This day was the Feast of the Assumption, a solemnity…

Day 6 – Rosary Novena for Nancy’s Healing

August 11, 2009 – Feast of St. Clare Nancy went up New England to attend one of Fr. Ralph Diorio’s healing Mass. She was sad to know that he was unable to attend due to the fact that he had collapsed that past Sunday from heat exhaustion and dehydration. Yet her sadness was soon to…

Day 4 – Rosary Novena for Nancy’s Healing

Attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion devoutly and in the state of graces is one of the greatest deeds that can be done here on earth because, by doing so, we are immersed in the great mystery of redemption. Would that our physical eyes could see what transpires at the Mass! Often God would…

Day 3 – Rosary Novena for Nancy’s Healing

Nancy attended Mass on this day and tried to enter fully in its beautiful mystery. The Mass is the memorial of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is the peak of our prayer life indeed. When the priest said the memorial Acclamation, “Through Him (Jesus), with Him and in Him,…

Dr. Sanchez gives Medical and Scientific Evidence

IN HIS LIVING PRESENCE 333 Atlanta Neuraligist Dr. Ramon Sanchez in his book “IN HIS LIVING PRESENCE 333” gives the only Accurate Medical Testing on Nancy Fowler. Please find below a link to his website for more information:

Day 2 – Rosary Novena for Nancy’s Healing

Prior to this Novena, Nancy was already praying the rosary alone. During the rosary, she realized, however, that she was not alone, for she saw a vision of light and in this light there appeared 4 people. Who could they be? She did not know, for they did not speak words. Their presence alone was…

Day 1 – Rosary Novena for Nancy’s Healing

August 6, 2009 – Feast of the Transfiguration Today met with many distractions and trials for Nancy. In fact, she saw the evil one before the Rosary at 8 pm appear as a black little man and she knew he was behind the distractions. Yet, no matter how busy she was, she did not fail…

Rosary Novena for Nancy

Rosary Novena for Nancy August 6 to 14, 2009 Novena Dear Friends, We are sad to announce to you that the Visionary of Conyers, Nancy, is very ill. While accepting of her illness, she is still praying to God for a healing. For this purpose, she will be making a novena to the Blessed Virgin…