February 21, 1992
Jesus said, “Let every home have an altar. Each altar should have a crucifix, a blessed candle, an image of My Mother. Every crucifix, every image of My Mother, every candle should be blessed. Let holy water be freely available in each home.
“My children need a place to go and be quiet and be alone with Me. Each home should have a place to be alone with Me.”
Nancy asked if she could test the vision at this point by spraying the image with holy water. When she did, the light got brighter. Nancy further tested by asking, “If You are Jesus, say that You bow down to God the Father and worship Him with all Your heart, mind and being.”
Jesus said thus and then asked Nancy to get the book “My Daily Bread” and open it randomly. Nancy opened it to page 284, “The Effects of Charity in Daily Life”. Nancy saw a white cross of light appear on the page.
“This is highly recommended reading for My children. I recommend this book. How can I not recommend it when My words are in this book?”
A friend of Nancy’s said, “We should be reading this every day.”
Jesus responded, “My Mother has a difficult time getting Nancy to read the ‘Words of Wisdom’ every day.”
Nancy said, “I love you Jesus.”
Jesus replied, “Then love others more for My sake.”
Jesus then referred to Volume II of “To Bear Witness that I AM the Living Son of God” which was being compiled for publication, “After the Introduction, tell My children I have selected this reading for them.
“I know the needs of all My children and I provide. I am the great provider. If only My children would realize this.”
Nancy asked Jesus about someone. Jesus replied, “I require more out of you because you receive more graces. You have opened yourself up to My graces, she has not. Extend charity to her. To everyone I say ‘extend charity’.”
Nancy asked Jesus for guidance on Volume II. Jesus said, “Present it to the hands of My priests.” Jesus then gave Nancy the following recommendations for the “Recommended Reading”:
- The Bible
- Divine Mercy in My Soul – The Diary of Saint Faustina [Marian Press, Stockbridge, Massachusetts]
- Our Lady of Fatima’s Peace Plan from Heaven [Tan Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, Illinois]
- My Daily Bread [Confraternity of the Precious Blood, Brooklyn, New York]
- City of God – Words of Wisdom. The whole volumes of the Mystical City of God are available from Tan Books, The teachings at the end of chapters given by the Blessed Mother are what the Mother of God asked to be read. The whole volumes of the Mystical City of God with the teachings at the end of the chapters by the Blessed Mother can be found on the internet free.
Jesus further said, “Go to Father Gus. Ask him to recommend books about the Holy Spirit. Let Father say he recommends these books. Whatever Father Gus recommends, I recommend.” [Father Gus’ recommendations are presented at the end of this message.]
Nancy said to her friend, “Why doesn’t He [Jesus] recommend the books?” Her friend suggested that Father Gus is being inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, “Who is the teacher here? Know well the Holy Spirit of God.
“Remember My Mother’s advice, ‘Stay close to my Son. Stay close to my Son. Stay close to my Son.’ When those who receive messages don’t stay close to Me, Satan gets in.”
Later, Nancy was thinking about this more and said, “He [Jesus] could have told me the books but He let the Holy Spirit tell Father Gus.” Her friend said, “Perfect”.
Jesus said, “Yes I am!”
Nancy asked, “What is the greatest virtue, faith, hope or charity?”
Jesus said, “The greatest virtue is love.”
Nancy said, “I Love you!”
Jesus replied, “Trust Me more. The people of Conyers are losing much. Others are gaining much more. Open your hearts and I will enter. Close your hearts and I will remain on the outside knocking.”
Jesus asked Nancy to ask her friend to open the book “City of God-Words of Wisdom”. He opened it to page 373, “Humble Love of the Neighbor”. A key phrase, that paralleled the earlier passage read from My Daily Bread, said, “In this art of loving your neighbor for God’s sake, I wish that you be very expert and zealous.”
Jesus ended by saying, “You are loved by My children. Good night dear children. Thank you for listening.”
Additional Recommended readings by Jesus:
Jesus said, “Embrace the writings of Sister Faustina….” “Divine Mercy in My Soul”, Diary by Saint M. Faustina Kowalska
Nancy asked Jesus, “Do you like the book: “Jesus, My Eucharistic Love.” Jesus responded, “Yes, I like the book. Let My children read the book.”
Jesus said to Nancy, “I love you. I would like you to love Me more. You have many interests and I understand, but I desire more of you.”
Nancy replied, “You don’t understand.”
As a tear dropped to his shoulder, Jesus said, “I’m always with you, but you don’t understand. I walk all days with every soul on earth. Read the Hound of Heaven.[This is a poem] Again, I do not give up on any soul. Every soul is important.”
Father Gus recommended the following Holy Spirit Bibliography:
(Some of these may not still be in print.)
- Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit [by John Blattner, Servant Books]
- Wisdom Instructs Her Children [by John Randall, Living Flame]
- Fanning the Flame [by George T. Montague and Kilian McDonnell, Liturgical Press]
- On Fire with the Spirit [by John Bertolucci, Servant Books]
- Spirit and Your Everyday Life [by Ronda Chervin, Ligouri Publications]
- Baptized in the Spirit and Spiritual Gifts [by Stephen Clark, Dove Publications]
- Lord and Giver of Life [by Pope John Paul II, Daughters of St. Paul]
- Titles of the Holy Spirit [Keith Fournier, Franciscan University Press]
- Some of these are no longer in print
Jesus teaches: “Be little and serve. True greatness comes in serving in a little way. If you do not understand the Little Way, I invite you to learn about My saint, My little Therese.” By Jesus inviting us to understand the “Little Way and “learn about My saint, My little Therese”, we are being invited to learn and understand how, in her Little Way, she actually lived much of what Jesus is trying to teach us in His messages. We can see in her writings her ways to being little, trusting Jesus completely, being completely dependent on Him and returning love to Him as He loved her, when He gave His life on the cross. This is what Jesus is asking us to do in His messages. Learning how St. Therese lived her “Little Way” gives us a simple, practical example to follow in order to actually live much in these messages. To “understand the Little Way” and learn about My saint, My Little Therese” we can read her writings in her autobiography, Story of a Soul, ICS Publications, 2131Lincon Road, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002. The Letters of St. of Lisieux, Vol. 1 and 2, help more “to understand the Little Way” and “Follow her Little Way”. They can be gotten from the same publisher. Therese Blessed Mother said: “Follow her Little Way.” The book and these letters, written by Saint Therese, were not directly recommended by Jesus but they are probably the best source to do what Jesus and Blessed Mother say in the above messages.