Nancy has had visions of Jesus every day since November 30, 1987 except for three days when she began to doubt. Jesus withdrew His light when she doubted. She said this left her feeling very empty and alone.
The vast majority of Nancy’s visions are in light. Jesus appears all in light. He has appeared to Nancy many, many times from the cross. The cross is all in light and the corpus of Jesus is alive and all in light. Jesus has said, “The cross is light,” and “I am the cross.”
Nancy sees the Host burst in this white light many times at the consecration of the Mass. The chalice becomes all white light at the consecration and she can no longer see the metal of the chalice.
Nancy sees Jesus all in light stand next to the priest during Mass. He merges with the priest and the priest glows in His light.
Many times she has seen light stream from the Tabernacle. Several times when she has gone in churches, where there is more then one Tabernacle, she can tell which Tabernacle Jesus is in because she sees light streaming from that Tabernacle.
Once Nancy saw light streaming from a door and did not know anyone was in the room. A few minutes later, a priest came out and was told of the white light of Jesus coming out of the door he was behind. The priest said, “I prayed for a sign. I was hearing a confession in that room. I thought Jesus was with me as I heard confessions. Now I know He is.” The priest began to cry.
The lecture and the books used at Mass, containing the Words of God, have glowed in light as the readings from the Bible are being read during Mass.
Nancy has also seen a white aura of light around different people. Jesus has told her that you are seeing Me in that person.
The Blessed Mother appears many times in light, glorified like.
When Nancy was brought to Heaven,replica rolex submariner she said there was this whiter than white light everywhere. When she was brought into this light she said she felt such peace and love.