# 438
To Each Soul I Have Given a Free Will

The United Nations population conference had just begun in Cairo, Egypt. Abortion was the central issue of contention at the conference. Jesus said to Nancy, "Go forth and speak the truth. I have given you a spirit of discernment. "From Cairo, Egypt there is a great evil mounting. Pray, children. Pray." In a vision Nancy saw a battle with flashing light and movement and fighting between images of light and darkness. Jesus reminded Nancy to write about the vision she saw as she entered church the previous day. Nancy had seen a small white flame surrounded by white light and a ring of red. Outside the ring was all darkness. Then the ring of red spread over the white light. The white flame remained in the middle of the red ring. Darkness remained all around the ring. Jesus said, "Republish the Journal on abortion. Put this Journal in the hands of all My children again." Nancy asked Jesus to allow George to hear His words. Jesus replied, "George has gifts that are different from your [gifts] . . . You have gifts that are different from his. To each soul I give as I will, not as man wills.

"I have given you your life, your free will, your rights. Do not overstep your rights and think that you are God."
"Man does not have the right to question My Will. I am the Creator. "To each soul I have given a free will. It does not mean that a soul has a right to question My Will. "I am sovereign over all creation. The universe is under My feet and the Earth is only one part of the universe. To each man I say: Look at how small you are in all the universe. Then why are you overstepping your rights? "I am sovereign over you, then who are you to trample on My Love? I alone am the Creator. I have given you your life, your free will, your rights. Do not overstep your rights and think that you are God." "Behold I am living. Behold I am risen. Behold the One Triune God. "Let Me make Who I am clear: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I am the Trinity. Do not divide Me. The Father is in Me and I am in the Father. You seek the Truth, I am all Truth."