# 860
Have Charity in Your Hearts for the Souls in Purgatory

Nancy saw a vision of many people appear in light and understood that these mystical images represented souls. Nancy tested the vision, commanding it to leave in the Name of Jesus, yet more souls appeared. Nancy said, "I see many souls. I don't know where they are from." She asked the people in the vision, "Where are you from?" and Nancy heard in reply, "From Purgatory." Nancy turned to the crucifix and asked Jesus if this was true. Jesus said, "Be at peace. The souls are beseeching your prayers. "Make many acts of reparation for the souls in Purgatory. Night and day the souls cry out for your prayers. "Have charity in your hearts for the souls in Purgatory. Desire in your hearts to pray and sacrifice to set them free. Then I will use the graces you merit to release the souls. "Pray, children, often for the souls in Purgatory and make charitable acts."