# 698
Children, You Must Stop Offending God

"Dear children of America, there is great joy in my heart to see you gathered in prayer. There is great sorrow in my heart for many of my children are lost. Many children do not pray and they have closed their ears to the messages of God." [Nancy saw a tear of blood coming down the side of her nose.] "Pray children, pray. Prayer is vital. Seventy five years ago I came to three little shepherd children to deliver a message to all mankind and I have come today to deliver a message. Children, you must stop offending God. Begin with this anniversary day and make a commitment to spend time with God every day." [Nancy said Our Loving Mother is crying again.] "Pray the Rosary every day. I ask that you make an act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart. In our hearts you will find a safe refuge. "America, raise your voices in great thanksgiving to God for His mercy, for His love. I cannot restrain my Son's hand. Please help me to help you. Offer your daily sacrifices and prayers, please, in reparation for the sins of the world. Keep our messages alive in your hearts. "Join your hands and your hearts with God and with each other. With your hands and hearts joined, please pray the Our Father." [With hands joined all the pilgrims prayed the Our Father.] "Please, remember this prayer is given to you by my Son. "I will bless you and I will bless everything you have brought with you. Please make the Sign of the Cross as I depart. From my Immaculate Heart I give rays of love. Always remember to thank my Son."