# 325
Know The Commandments Of God

"Dear little children of America, it is a grace to desire simpleness and littleness. Ask for the grace to live simply and to be humble. Be children of light. Know the commandments of God and carry these laws of God in your hearts. In this way you will know God and you will grow in love with Him and with each other. Little children, the commandments of God have been given to you to help you be united with God. My Son and I love each of you. I desire each of you to be united with my Son forever. Please amend your lives and return to God. Please do as I ask, or you will have much more to suffer. I bless you. Come and seek refuge in my Immaculate Heart. I am Blessed Virgin Mary the Loving Mother of God, and your Loving Mother. Come little children, and let me lead you to my Son. As you make the sign of the cross, I will bless you and everything you have brought with you. Please thank my Son for permitting me to come."