Come to My Son and Stay Close to Him
"My dear children of America and children of the whole world, rejoice in the Risen Lord. Believe in the Resurrection wholeheartedly. You are called to be believing people of God. "Pray every day to have the grace of greater faith. Please, children, my Son Jesus is living and you fail to see His living presence everywhere. "You have chosen to become a slave. You are held in the bondage of sin. My Son offers you Freedom. Come to Him and receive new Life. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life." [Our Loving Mother was glowing in light.] "He is the Resurrection. "My Easter message to each of you is to come to my Son and stay close to Him. Pray more, dear children. Only in Him do you receive your strength that will sustain you in troubled times. It is a great grace from God that my Son has permitted me to come to you. Please thank Him. "At this time, my children, I will bless you and everything that you brought with you. You may hold the objects up if you want to. As you make the Sign of the Cross, I will depart. Remember my Son and I are always with you."