# 532
Do Not Fear Speaking My Words

Before the 9 am Mass at St. Pius Church, Nancy saw angels appear as well as crosses of white light above the Stations of the Cross. Nancy also saw rays flicker around the doorway and from the picture of the

"More hurricanes, more earthquakes, more tornadoes, more volcanos will erupt, more violent storms will come and great waves will hit the shores of the earth."
Sacred Heart of Jesus. During the first reading of the Mass, the lector read, "I will speak of nothing but Jesus Christ." At that moment Nancy saw an angel appear, all in white, facing the Tabernacle. Behind the angel she saw a white cross. After the Mass, Jesus said, "Do not fear speaking My words. More hurricanes, more earthquakes, more tornadoes, more volcanos will erupt, more violent storms will come and great waves will hit the shores of the earth." [Nancy felt a strong bolt of chills as if electricity was shooting through her.] Nancy saw an angel appear on the page as she was writing the words of Jesus. [On the evening of the next day, September 1st, a major earthquake under the Pacific Ocean created great waves (a tsunami) which devastated the coast of Nicaragua. On September 11th, Hurricane Iniki hit the western Hawaiian Islands with winds as strong as Hurricane Andrew which, 17 days earlier, had devastated South Florida and Louisiana.]