
Jesus revealed His suffering face and said, "(Name deleted) husband will burn a long time in Purgatory if he goes through with the divorce. If it were not for you saying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, he would be in the eternal fires of damnation. I detest divorce. I tell you, these souls who remarry after divorce and continue to violate My commandment, I will purge their souls a long time in Purgatory." [This man had willfully chosen to continue to be unfaithful to his wife and was in the process of divorcing his wife for another woman.] "Say My words: a man or woman who cannot live with their chosen spouse and they divorce them, take the consequences now or later. The now is, remain celibate. The later is Purgatory or the eternal fires of damnation." Nancy asked, "Are there no divorced souls who will go directly to heaven?" "Very, very, very few," Jesus said. "You do not go to heaven in violation of My commandments. Heaven awaits those who love Me and keep My commandments." Nancy replied, "Oh, Lord, please help, help all the people in those situations." "It will not be easy to bring My commandments to My wayward people, but you are called to. I stand before you." Theologian's Footnote: Even though one avoids the punishment of hell because of sincere repentance, there still remains ordinarily the temporal punishment due to sin. What temporal punishment remains for which there has not been satisfaction at the time of death, then, this is the reason for Purgatory which is a revelation of the Mercy of God.