# 660
Consecrate Your Families and Your Children to Me

As Nancy prayed the Rosary, the Blessed Mother appeared and said, "The time has come. I have walked with my children and now I ask my children to walk in faith. "Surrender, abandon your life completely and totally to God. Live in His Divine Will. "Remember all that I have told you and I will ask you again to live in imitation of Christ. "I do not leave you. I remain with you. My Son desires that you do not walk by sight but walk each step in complete living faith. "Pray the Rosary every day. "Let the scapular be your livery. Wear the scapular as a sign of your consecration to me.

"Partake of Him in the state of grace with utmost reverence."
"Consecrate your families and your children to me. "Seek reconciliation with God often. "My Son has come as the Living Bread to nourish His flock. Partake of Him in the state of grace with utmost reverence."