# 329
The Time Has Come For My Justice

Jesus said, "My precious little daughter. You console My grieving heart with your childlike ways. When you were hurting very deeply today you said to Me it's O.K., Jesus, don't hurt. I care about you. In your childlike way you gave yourself to Me in those moments. You were thinking of My pain and not your own. I tell you solemnly I cherish your prayers, little one. You are correct in saying My anger is mounting. My children, My lost, foolish children have ignored My Mother and Me enough. And everyone I send, My children have ignored. Block My graces here and receive My punishment sooner. "My children have failed to demonstrate any faith, any trust and do not believe in our visits here. Let Me say this again, I do not appear like this anywhere else on earth." Nancy said, "Oh, the suffering face of Jesus. Oh, my dear Jesus, oh, what suffering! He is glorified. I am not worthy. I beg Your mercy. Forgive those who do not believe. I cause these faults in people. I bring these reactions in the people. It is I who have failed You. Please forgive them." "The time has come for My Justice. My children do not believe in My Justice and they shall see My Justice. I call and I call and I call and My children do not respond. They do not come. "I call and I call and I call. They block their ears. "I am giving the greatest graces here outside of My Mass. Nowhere are My graces being poured forth like they are here. Where are My children? Where are My children at the Mass? Where are My children? I tell you, they are seeking their own selfish selves. How much I have tolerated. Everyone of My commandments violated, abandoned. Murder. Murder. Murder. "Murder is in their hearts. They murder the unborn. They murder the born. They murder the old. They murder the young. They murder the well. They murder the disabled. They slander My name, mock Me. Spit on Me. Throw My words away. My precious daughter, you see My suffering face. Look at Me. You see My love. My children, where have they gone? You are ready to speak My words and there is no one here to listen." Nancy said, "The suffering [of Jesus], I can hardly bear it." "I have given grave signs from Heaven. Know they are grave signs. Nancy, I told you I prefer My children to come back to Me in love." "The suffering in Your face is immense. It is as great as I've seen it", said Nancy. "His suffering face again, You are revealing Your suffering face so much." "My gentle, little one, thank you for caring about Me. I have called My children to respond. They did not. My Mother has called them here. They did not come. "When I say a place is holy, then know it is holy and know that graces abound. Zion is My holy mountain. When I say a place is holy, it is holy. Your little, little hill, insignificant to most of the world, is holy because I have said so. How many times you have seen the angels surrounding My holy hill. In every direction you have looked in the sky, you have seen angels. You have seen saints. You have seen Me. You have seen My Mother. You have seen the Holy Family. You have seen My many signs in the heavens. My Mother has called out. Where are My children? Do they not know that My Mother and I await them here? I continually offer Myself in sacrifice to My Father. They do not come. They stay away. I come here in My glorified state. I am glorified. I am risen. I am a glorified being, but, My children, My children are too busy. They do not believe. They do not believe that I am God. I invite My priest to come. I will appear to some of them and they do not come. I have said these things to you. Block My graces and do not have My graces. "Know that My Mother will continue to appear on the 13th of each month for a while. Pay attention to what she will say." Nancy said, "I have never seen His suffering face as I've seen today. I don't know how He can endure it."