"Look at What My Children Have Done to Me."
Jesus said, "Look at what My children have done to Me. They have divided My Church." The wall turned scarlet red as Jesus told Nancy about future punishments. Jesus later said, "My presence is here in a special way. My children do not believe I am here. Tell them. "Please tell them to talk to Me. I hear them. Not a single thought, word or action do I miss. "Oh My children, I am here with you. Believe and know this." Nancy said, "The people don't believe. " Jesus replied, "Your work is to persevere in prayer. I will do the rest. Trust in My goodness and My greatness." Other people in the apparition room were now seeing bright mystical light on the crucifix. Jesus said, "I want you to understand that I am doing this, you are not. "Do not fear man. "Do not be concerned what man says or what man does." Nancy continued to see many visions. Jesus said, "Do not fear, I am the one bringing these gifts to you." Nancy saw Jesus suffering. Jesus said, "Oh My children, you push My help aside." The mystical light was now so bright that it hurt Nancy's eyes. Jesus said, "Now the light will recede again. Recognize you do not bring this about." Nancy saw the light recede. Jesus said, "Now you will see again." Instantly, Nancy saw saints appearing and then she said, "He is back again. "Jesus said, "What do you mean back? I have never left. "Do not get discouraged, I am bringing these gifts to you. You are not controlling My gifts. I am giving them freely as I will to you. "The evil one is very angry when you listen to Me. "He does not want My children to stay focused on Me and hear Me. Defeat Satan by staying close to Me."