# 64
I Will Not Force You

(November 13, 1990 41) Jesus said, "Man does not want My love and mercy. If I withhold a precious drop of My blood, man will experience great suffering in the loss of My love and mercy." On February 15, 1991, George and Nancy were rereading this message and asked Jesus for clarification of "Man does not want My love and mercy" in the above paragraph. Jesus said, "If I withdraw a tiny precious drop of My love and mercy, all of mankind will suffer immensely. I say to man, do you want all of My love and all of My mercy? Then, all of you come to Me. I will never force you to love Me. It is up to you." Jesus continued, "Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray for one another and for lost souls. Pray that these lost souls will find their way to Me now. Dearest daughter, it causes Me great suffering to speak these words to you. I can speak no more at this time. "My Peace and My Blessings I give you. Remember your prayers and sacrifices are needed. This is an urgent plea from Me." Nancy sees His suffering face again. Nancy said, "Make the Sign of The Cross. He is going to remove the light." The light over the crucifix left as we made the Sign of The Cross.