# 679
My Dear Little Helpers, Thank You for Serving

As the Thursday evening prayer group prayed in the apparition room at the Farm, the Blessed Mother appeared. She was smiling and a tear was in her eye. The Blessed Mother said, "My dear little helpers, I love you and I bless the good works that you do. And so do I bless your families." [The Blessed Mother was smiling.] "Only in Heaven will you come to know the graces you are receiving. Thank you for serving in this ministry of love. As our hearts are united, you are helping to unite the hearts of many of my children to God. You are bearers of new life. You are my missionaries of love." [A tear came down the Blessed Mother's cheek.] "Children, I will remain with you now as you pray. Thank you." [The pictures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary were bursting in light.]

"Only in Heaven will you come to know the graces you are receiving."
After the Rosary, the Blessed Mother said, "I will bless you now. "I will depart as you make the Sign of the Cross. Remember to thank my Son always." Afterwards Nancy said, "During the Rosary the Blessed Mother was looking at all of her children with great love."

(These messages have been given by Jesus and Our Loving Mother to Nancy Fowler)

Messages © 2003-2019 George Collins. All rights reserved.
© 1999-2019 Marco Napoli. All rights reserved.