
The Blessed Mother said, "My dear children, look. [The Blessed Mother paused.] What do you see? Listen. [She paused again.] What do you hear? My dear little ones, if you do not know Sacred Scripture within your hearts, you cannot understand the time in which you live. Do not surrender your heart to the Evil One. You are being called to remove all hatred, jealousy, greed, unforgiveness. [The Blessed Mother was crying what looked like blood.] Remove all impurities of every kind. Be little, not prideful, dear ones. As your Loving Mother, I speak to you as a mother. Please stop judging. Do not surrender any part of your heart to the spirits of darkness. My Son desires all of your heart. [The Blessed Mother was radiant.] You do not know what awaits you and what is close at hand. I solemnly tell you that there is a false peace in the world. Do not be deceived by this. Remain steadfast in your faith. I bless you. As you make the Sign of the Cross, I will depart. Please remember to thank my Son. I love you"