# 961
How Much You Love Me, Is Seen in Your Willingness to Sacrifice for My Sake

Jesus asked Nancy to open the small book, "My Daily Bread" [see bibliography] As Nancy opened the book she prayed to the Holy Spirit, as Jesus taught her. Nancy opened the book randomly to Chapter 23, The Fullness of Love, and began to read Jesus' words: "My child, how much you love

"You love Me only as much as you are willing to suffer for Me, no more and no less."
Me, is seen in your willingness to sacrifice yourself for My sake. You love Me only as much as you are willing to suffer for Me, no more and no less. If in any matter you disagree with My Will, you are setting a limit to your love for Me. True, there is a limit to all human love. In the generous lover, however, that limit is set by Me rather than by him. "Those who have a full love are ready to bear anything in their daily life. Their eyes are so fixed on Me that they do not look at the people who cause their suffering, but at Me. Since I govern all things on earth, they patiently and graciously accept all difficulties and trials for My sake. In all things I am their motive, their strength, and their goal. "When you love Me with all your heart, you will no longer hold back anything. You will make no reservations for yourself, but you will strive to live fully for My sake. When you have learned to love Me in this degree, I will give Myself fully and entirely to you. You will then know a peace and joy beyond all telling."
"Just as I sacrificed Myself as a victim of love, so I want you to be a victim: Love never refuses anything."
George then read some words from Jesus to Sister Josefa Menendez on page 47 the book, Words of Love [see Bibliography]. Jesus said, "Just as I sacrificed Myself as a victim of love, so I want you to be a victim: Love never refuses anything." Jesus then said to Nancy, "Write those words. "Now you have My words to bring to South America." On November 5, 1993, as the Journal was being compiled and this message was being reviewed, Jesus said in slow, gentle and loving way, "I want My children to know these words." [Since love is reparation and reparation is love, then the preceding teaching on the Fullness of Love is also a teaching on the fullness of reparation.]