
"Be patient, bear everything for Me. "Many souls are freely choosing to live in darkness. They think their decision is just for a few years on earth but it is for all eternity. Many souls are plunging into eternal fires and are damned for all times. Most are there because of sins of the flesh. Those who willfully choose to murder are there with them. "Repeated willful impure thoughts, words and deeds are sending people to eternal fires of darkness. My children are making a conscious decision to break My commandment. They repeat this sin then rationalize it and, then, no longer recognize it as sin. I will banish these souls from My sight. I am a God of mercy and love and a just judge. Violation of My commandments kills the life of the soul. "Woe be to this wicked sinful generation. How quick you are to cease your prayers of peace the moment you think your peace is achieved. The anger of God the Father is mounting. Woe be My people who march with the murderers, the abortionists. Woe be My priests who engage in impure acts." "You have seen enough. You have heard enough. I have spoken."