I Am the Fountain of All Life
As I [Nancy] was walking toward the church, I saw the miracle of sun. After entering the church, I saw rays of light stream forth from the Tabernacle. Then Jesus spoke from the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Cross Church. "I am the fountain of all life. From My life flows the living water, a stream that never runs dry and never ends. The stream in which all who thirst will drink and not be thirsty. The stream where all who are dirty may come, wash and may be clean. Is there any water like this on earth? "I've come to earth to tell My people from where to drink and where to bathe. Bring My people to My living water, dear one. Be like John the Baptist. Bring My people back to Me. They are scattered and have wandered far. Gather them in while there is still time. Don't fear. These are not your thoughts, but Mine. I am Jesus. I am He who is before you in this Tabernacle. Bring them to Me and I will clean them. I will heal them. I will give them drink that they will not thirst. Bring the new ones, the old ones, the lost ones, the rebellious ones, the smart ones, the proud ones, the lame ones, bring them all. I am the one who heals. I heal what they need healed. "Thank you for writing this, dear one. You are an obedient servant."