# 6
The Way, the Truth, and the Life

(August 26, 1990 2) Jesus asked, "What is the greatest life in you? Eternal life. It is the life of the soul." George asked, "Please explain more about Eternal Life." Jesus said through Nancy, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. That is Eternal Life. I am the author of life. The way, the truth and the life adds up to Eternal Life. Look at each one individually. Walk in My way. That is life. Live My words. That is life. Take My body and blood. That is life. In My words find everything - truth, way, wisdom; find love, find Me. Walk My way. You will find truth. You will find life. You will find love. You will find wisdom. I'm trying to take you in a circle. You can start at any point and come to Eternal Life. Remember the number three. It is the Holy Trinity. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. "Nancy, you are getting tired. You must write in the journal. If you don't walk My way, you walk from Me, you walk from Eternal Life. Thank you for writing My words down. Now meditate on My words."